Information for Presenters, Listeners, and Session Chairs


There are four kinds of presentations scheduled for the ParCFD 2024 Conference:

  • Normal mini-symposium (MS) or other track (OT) contributions: the presentation slot per presentation is 20 minutes including questions (e.g., 17 minutes talk + 3 minutes Q&A)
  • Special sessions: the slot per presentation is 30 minutes including questions (e.g., 25 minutes talk + 5 minutes Q&A)
  • Feature talks: The schedule allowed for some of the MSs to have a highlight (feature) talk (selected by the MS organizers). The feature talks are double the length of the normal talks, i.e., the presentation slot is 40 minutes long (e.g., 35 minutes talk + 5 minutes Q&A). Note that MS4 has only a 30 minute slot for the presentation and that MS6 kicks off with a 10 minute slot introducing the topic.
  • Keynote presentations: All keynotes have a length of 1 hour (e.g., 50-55 minutes talk + 5-10 minutes Q&A)

Please have a look at the detailed schedule in ConfTool to find out to what group you belong.

Online Presenters

Please provide a recording of your talk, e.g., recorded on Zoom, in 16:9 format as a video file (use standardized formats such as mp4) latest until Friday, 30.08.2024. This talk serves as a backup solution in case you have troubles connecting to the Zoom session. Furthermore, please also upload your slides, either in PDF or PowerPoint format.

From the Conference organizers, you should have a received an upload link pointing you to a Sciebo Cloud space, where you can upload both files the presentation and the video. In case you have not received such a link, please contact the Conference organizers via

The file name for the slides/videos should use the following structure: {SessionID}_{SubmissionID}.{file type}. For example:

  • MS1-1_109.pptx for a presentation associated with submission 109 in session 1 of MS1
  • OT2-2_145.pptx for a presentation associated with submission 145 in session 2 of OT2
  • MS1-1_109.mp4 for a recording associated with submission 109 in session 1 of MS1
  • OT2-2_145.mp4 for a recording associated with submission 145 in session 2 of OT2

The session Chair will also approach you again to ensure that all material is available. After your presentation, the Q&A part will be moderated by the Chair of the respective session. We have a microphone in the conference room connected to Zoom and a video from the room will also be streamed.

We will have a single Zoom session with break-out rooms for the individual sessions. The links you will be able to find in ConfTool.

Note that only those talks will recordered, where we have the consent of the presenters.

Offline (on-site) Presenters

You will not be able to use your own laptop as we will have one presentation laptop that is connected to Zoom. The format of your presentation should be in 16:9 and either in PDF or PowerPoint file format. Please upload your presentation slides.

From the Conference organizers, you should have a received an upload link pointing you to a Sciebo Cloud space, where you can upload the presentation file. In case you have not received such a link, please contact the Conference organizers via

The file name for the slides/videos should use the following structure: {SessionID}_{SubmissionID}.{file type}. For example:

  • MS1-1_109.pptx for a presentation associated with submission 109 in session 1 of MS1
  • OT2-2_145.pptx for a presentation associated with submission 145 in session 2 of OT2

The session Chair will also approach you again to ensure that all material is available. After your presentation, the Q&A part will be moderated by the Chair of the respective session. You need to use a microphone to answer questions in the Q&A session of your talk such that the online participants can listen. Their might also be questions from the online audience (either read to you by a technical person in the room, or directly asked via audio/video on Zoom).

Note that only those talks will recordered, where we have the consent of the presenters.


On-site audience needs to use a microphone in the room such that online participants or presenters can also hear the question. The session Chair will moderate the sessions including the Q&A parts. For online participants, please make sure that your video and audio is turned off from the very beginning when joining Zoom and only enable video/audio when you have a question (in the Q&A part of the talks). For this purpose, please raise you hand in Zoom - a technical person in the room, will take of this. It is of course also possible to ask questions in the chat. The technical person will then read the question to the speaker and the on-site audience.

We will have a single Zoom session with break-out rooms for the individual sessions. The links you will be able to find in ConfTool.

Session Chairs

The session Chairs moderate the respective sessions. For the MSs, we have selected the first and second proposer as sessions Chairs for the respective sessions. In case this needs to be changed, the MS organizers should reach out to the Conference organizers quickly. The assignment can be found in the schedule in ConfTool.

The Chairs briefly introduce the next speaker and take care of timings (note that some sessions have some buffer time available and some have not). As a general rule, they should stick to the timings for the different presentation types above. The Chairs should remind the speaker to finish when she/he is reaching the time limit for the presentation such that sufficient time for Q&A is available.

Ahead of the sessions, the Chairs are responsible for the availability of the complete material for the whole session. Online speakers should have uploaded both a presentation recording and their slides (format: see above under "Online Presenters"). On-site presenters just have to upload their presentation. Note that for on-site presentations we will not allow using individual laptops for presentations - there will be a single presentation laptop available that needs to be used.

Concerning the uploads, you should have a received a link pointing you to a Sciebo Cloud space, where you can find the files for your MS, from the Conference organizer. In case you have not received such a link, please contact the Conference organizers via

Note that in each of the rooms there is also a person available supporting you and the presenters from a technical point of view. They take care of the microphones, the video equipment, and the Zoom room. They also follow the chat or take note of raised hands in Zoom, and will let you know about online questions. They also have full access to the Sciebo Cloud space and can help in uploading or downloading files. They will furthermore also bring USB sticks and take care that only those presenters are recorded that gave their consent.

Last Modified: 27.08.2024